今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

気温が上がり、多くの花が咲き出しています。庭のレモンの木には多くの花が咲き始めました。でもレモンの木は自分から摘果して数個のレモンしかできません。近くの畑では豆の花が終わりを迎えています。天気が良かったので、クルミくんを連れて公園近くのドッグカフェに行きました。久しぶりに訪れましたのでクルミくんはこのカフェを忘れていたようです。でもおやつが出てきたら思い出したように喜んで食べていました。クルミくんは少し疲れたのか 4 時の昼食時間になっても眠っています。

Temperatures are rising and many flowers are blooming. Many flowers of the lemon tree in my garden have begun to bloom. But the lemon tree picks itself and produces only a few lemons. In a nearby farm, the beans are coming to the end of their blooms. The weather was fine, so we took Kurumi to a dog café near the park. It had been a while since we had visited there, so Kurumi seemed to have forgotten about this café. However, when a snack was served, he ate it happily as if he remembered there. Kurumi was a little tired and was still sleeping at 4:00 p.m. when it was time for lunch.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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