今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日も私は HLA 献血の要請に応えて、献血ルームに行きました。約 500ml の血液を採取して血小板なの成分を分離してから体内に戻します。それを今日は 4 サイクル繰り返していました。献血ルームで H氏に声をかけられました。彼とは社会人になりたての頃一緒に仕事をしましたが、最近は会っていませんでした。でもお互いにすぐわかり、元気そうな姿をお互いに交換することができました。そもそも、健康でないと献血はできません。クルミくんは私が帰宅すると直ぐに一緒に遊ぶように吠えて甘えてきました。今日も元気なクルミくんです。

Today I went to the blood donation room again in response to a request for HLA blood donation. About 500 ml of blood is collected and the components, such as platelets, are separated before being returned to my body. Today, four cycles of this process were repeated. At the blood donation room, I was approached by Mr. H. I had worked with him when I first started working, but we had not seen each other recently. But we recognized each other easily, and we were able to exchange mutual glimpses of how well we were doing. To begin with, you have to be in good health to donate blood. Kurumi barked and spoiled me to play with him as soon as I came home. Kurumi is very energetic today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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