今年前期の大学講座は妻が怪我をしたので諦めましたが、後期に応募して、9 月から近くの大学講座に通うことになりました。学生に混ざって市民 5 人の枠があり、そこに入ることができました。受講の手引きが送られてきたので注意深く読んでいます。まだ 1 ヶ月先のことですが、今から楽しみです。クルミくんは今日もよく遊んで、よく寝て、そしてよく食べていました。
I gave up on the university course for the first half of this year because my wife got injured, but I applied for the second half and will be attending a nearby university course starting in September. Among the students, there were 5 spots available for local residents, and I was able to secure one of those. I have received the course guidelines and I am reading them carefully. Although it’s still a month away, I’m looking forward to it. As for Kurumi, he played a lot, slept well, and ate well today as well.