昨日の予報の通り、気温は少し下がりましたが、今日も 30℃ を超える気温になっています。朝のニュースでは、にわか雨が夕方降ると言われていましたが、結局、一滴の雨も降らずに夜になろうとしています。庭の草花は水を欲しがっています。
As predicted in yesterday’s forecast, the temperature has dropped slightly, but today it’s still exceeding 30°C. The morning news mentioned a brief shower in the evening, but in the end, not a single drop of rain fell, and it’s getting closer to night. The flowers in the garden are longing for water.
Kurumi is having a good day as well. In the morning, my wife took care of him, and he’s wearing a cute outfit today too. Kurumi seems satisfied with wearing different clothes every day.