今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

一日平均 7 時間も座っているのは日本人で、これは世界一だということを知りました。他の国の人に比べると日本人は座っている時間が長いという結果です。確かに、私も座っている時間が長いように思います。理由は分かりませんが、あまり活動的では無いのかも知れません。

I learned that Japanese sit for an average of 7 hours a day, which is the logest in the world. The results show that Japanese people spend more time sitting than people from other countries. I certainly find myself sitting too long. I don’t know why, but maybe they aren’t very active.
It was a very hot day with strong sunlight, but there was a cool breeze in the evening when the sun was dark, making it very comfortable. I was able to go out to the garden with Kurumi. Whenever I try to take a picture of him, he is always sleeping. I was able to take a short nap today too.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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