今日は工場で終日、仕事をしていました。昼休みには外に出て少し歩くことができました。梅雨の時期なのですが、日差しが強く、とても暑い日でした。工場の玄関にはパッションフルーツの苗が植えられています。1 ヶ月後にまた来るので、パッションフルーツが育っているのを見ることができるかも知れません。
I worked all day at the factory today. During my lunch break, I was able to go outside and take a short walk. It was the rainy season, but the sun was strong and it was a very hot day. Passion fruit seedlings are planted at the entrance of the factory. I’ll be back in a month, so maybe I’ll be able to see the passion fruit growing.
Kurumi was checkup day. My wife took him to the vet.