電車とバスを乗り継いで、下町の施設を訪れました。近所の知り合いの F ご夫妻がこの施設に入られたと聞いて面会に行ってきました。残念ながら奥様とは会話をすることはできませんでしたが、ご主人とは会話することができて、短い間でしたが、娘さんとも近況を語り合うことができました。私より 16 歳年上のご主人は元気でした。帰りにはホールまで見送ってくれました。夫婦で一緒に入ることができて本当に良かったと思います。
I took trains and buses to visit facilities in the downtown area. I heard that Mr. and Mrs. F, who are acquaintances in the neighborhood, have moved into this facility, so I went to visit them. Unfortunately, I was not able to have a conversation with Mrs. F, but I was able to have a conversation with Mr. F, and although it was only for a short time, I was able to catch up with his daughter. He is 16 years older than me, was fine. On the way back, he saw me off to the hall. I’m so glad that they were able to enter together.
I was able to come home and play with Kurumi using toys. It was a little hot last night, and Kurumi woke up a few times didn’t sleep enough, so he took a nap right away.