今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

快晴で気持ちの良い一日でした。昨日の寒さから一転して今日は陽射しが強く、日向では暑いくらいでした。朝は通院で隣の駅まで電車で病院まで。駅前のシンボルツリーも気持ちよさそうに陽を浴びています。午後はクルミと一緒に近くのカフェまで行って休憩です。ベンチに座って妻とのんびりしていたら近所の W さんから声をかけられました。平日は人が少なくてのんびりできます。

It was a sunny and pleasant day. In contrast to yesterday’s cold weather, the sunlight was strong today, and it was almost hot in the sun. In the morning, I went to the hospital and took a train to the next station to the hospital. The symbol tree in front of the station is also comfortably bathed in the sun. In the afternoon, Kurumi and I go to a nearby cafe to take a break. When I was relaxing with my wife sitting on a bench, W-san from the neighborhood called out to us. There are few people on weekdays and we can relax.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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