今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

こどもの日の祝日、今日も良い天気に恵まれました。気温は高く 26℃まで上がりましたが、風があったので過ごしやすい一日でした。午後 2 時過ぎに石川県能登半島珠洲市で大きな地震がありました。この地域では昨年から群発地震が発生しているようで、心配です。日本は地震の多い島国です。いつ、私が住む地域でも大きな地震が起きても不思議ではありません。

Children’s Day is a public holiday today, and we were blessed with good weather today. The temperature rose to a high 26°C, but the wind made it a comfortable day. There was a big earthquake in Suzu City, Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture just after 2:00 pm. It seems that a swarm of earthquakes has occurred in this area since last year, which is worrisome. Japan is an island country with many earthquakes. It wouldn’t be strange if a big earthquake hit my area at any time.
Bad weather is forecast for tomorrow. Today I was able to finish painting the fence. The wood on the posts that the fence is attached to is starting to rot, so next time it will need a little more major repairs.
When I finished the work and came home, Kurumi was taking a nap comfortably. Thanks for making me feel calm today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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