庭のフェンスを塗り替えることにしました。前回の塗り替えから 4 年半が経過しています。前回は家の外装塗装と一緒にプロの方に塗っていただきましたが、今回は自分で少しずつやってみます。このフェンスを作ってから何度となく塗り替えてきました。もう少しの間、大切に使いたいと思います。
I decided to repaint the fence in the garden. Four and a half years have passed since the last repaint. Last time, I had a professional paint it along with the exterior painting of the house, but this time I will try to do it myself little by little. This fence has been repainted many times since it was built. I would like to use it carefully for a while.
We went to buy Kurumi’s food and toilet sheets with Kurumi. The road to the pet shop was more empty than usual, and I felt that there were fewer people in the city. A lot of people may have gone out to the resort for the consecutive holidays from today.