今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

日本は今日から Golden week と呼ばれる連休に入りました。来週の月曜、火曜に休暇を取れば 9 日間の連休となります。コロナによる移動制限も無くなったので多くの人が行楽に移動し始めています。私たちは家のことをするつもりです。

Japan has entered a long holiday called Golden Week from today. If I take a vacation next Monday and Tuesday, it will be a 9-day holiday. Many people are starting to move to excursions because the movement restrictions due to corona are gone. we’re going to do housework
Kurumi is a little quieter today as well. It’s warm during the day, but it’s a little chilly at night. He still has an appetite, so don’t worry.
Next week, when the weather is nice, I will put the bird cage to the tree on again. I had it repaired and painted today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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