今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

今日はクルミを毎月の健診に連れて行きました。獣医と話をして、先月から体重が 100g 増えた以外はクルミの健康状態が良好であることを知って安心しました。待合室で待っていると様々な犬種が来ます。でもクルミは全く興味を示しませんでした。

I took Kurumi to his monthly checkup today. After speaking with the vet, I was relieved to find out that Kurumi is in good health apart from gaining 100g since last month. When we wait in the waiting room, various dog breeds come. But Kurumi showed no interest.
Information programs on television report almost every day about the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the earthquake that occurred in Turkey. And today, they have been talking about the missiles launched by North Korea since this morning. I hope every day that there will be as many bright news as possible.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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