今日のクルミ / Today with Kurumi

私とクルミは夜の 10 時にベッドに入ります。私の横でクルミは眠ります。夜中に 2 度、トイレに起き、その度に私は世話をしてやります。もう習慣になってしまいました。13 歳を過ぎても元気にしているクルミと一緒に暮らせることは私たちの幸せです。

Kurumi and I go to bed at ten o’clock at night. Kurumi sleeps next to me. Twice in the middle of the night, he gets up to go to the bathroom (place) and I take care of him. It’s become a habit. We are lucky to live with Kurumi he is doing well after 13 years old.
I tried making breakfast using a hot sandwich maker that I got at a car dealer. It was my first recipe, so I burned the bread a little. I hope I can make it a little better next time. Today was a drizzly day. It became a little blue sky from the evening, and the contrails were beautiful.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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