今日で 9 ヶ月、同じトリマーさんにお世話になっています。クルミはシャンプーもしてもらい綺麗になりました。家から歩いて通える場所なのでとても便利です。帰りにクルミも一緒に近くのカフェに立ち寄りました。焼き芋はバターと塩味でとても美味しく、コーヒーと合っていました。
He Kurumi has been visiting to the same trimmer for 9 months today. Kurumi got shampoo as well and became beautiful. It is very convenient because it is a place that we can walk from our house. On the way back, Kurumi also stopped in at a nearby cafe. The roasted sweet potato was very delicious with butter and salt, and went well with coffee.