今日はコーヒーの淹れ方を習ってきました。以前に行ったカフェのマスターがドリップのやり方で味が変わることを話してくれました。参加者は 7 名、みなさんでそれぞれの淹れ方を行い、そのコーヒーを味わってみました。なるほど、同じ、コーヒー同じ器具なのに、湯の落とし方で味がこんなにも違うのかと驚きです。結局のところ、正解は無く、好みになるのですが。私は比較的ゆっくりと湯を落とすので濃く出ます。久しぶりに物事を教えてもらう機会を得ました。今日から酷暑の日が戻ってきたようで、クルミは庭に出られず残念でした。夕食をねだる素振りが可愛いクルミです。
Today I learned how to drip coffee. The master of the cafe I went to before told us that the taste changes with the drip method. There were 7 participants, each of whom brewed and tasted the coffee. Indeed, even though beans are the same and the same coffee tools, I am surprised that the taste is so different depending on how the hot water is dropped. After all, there is no correct answer and we understood the important things is to make coffee taste constant. I drop the hot water relatively slowly, so it comes out thick. I had the opportunity to be taught things for the first time in a long time. It seems that the hot day is back from today, and it was a pity that Kurumi couldn’t go out to the garden. A cute Kurumi he begs for supper.