この数週間、毎週末に天気が悪くなります。今日も午後から雨が降り始めました。この雨で桜も終わりになることでしょう。雨が降り出す前に庭仕事をしました。玄関のアプローチに出てきた雑草を取り除き、花の手入れをしました。作業をしている間、クルミは庭を物色、落ちていた金冠の実をかじり始めたので取り上げました。夕方、海外に住む家族からの Face Time、クルミも画面の向こう側の声に応えていました。
The weather has been bad every weekend for the past few weeks. It started to rain this afternoon as well. This rain will end the cherry blossoms may be. I worked in the garden before it started to rain. Weeds that appeared on the approach to the entrance were removed and the flowers were groomed. While working, Kurumi played in the garden. I stopped his picking up the fallen gold crown. In the evening, we received the Face Time from overseas families. Kurumi also responded to the voices on the other side of the screen.