快晴の天気に恵まれました。クルミは庭で遊ぶのが大好きです。しばらく遊んだ後は自分から家に入ってきます。暖かい陽に包まれて幸せな一時でした。午後はお気に入りのベッドで昼寝でした。今日、東京の新規感染者は 600 人程度に減りましたが、月曜はいつも少ない曜日です。明日以降の傾向が気になりますが、確実に減ってきていることを期待します。
I was blessed with fine weather. Kurumi loves to play in the garden. After playing for a while, he will come into our house. It was a happy time surrounded by warm sunlight. He took a nap in his favorite bed in the afternoon. Today, the number of newly infected people in Tokyo has dropped to around 600, but Monday is always a low day. I’m worried about the trend after tomorrow, but I hope that it will definitely decrease.