誕生日に思う / My birthday


Born on June 10, 1954, I am 66 today. It has been a sunny day this morning. I enjoyed a walk in the early morning and remembered what I had done so far. When I was in elementary school, I was crossed the road and hit by a motorcycle that was running in the shadow of a car. I don’t remember how high I flew into the air, but it seems that I landed well. Only the embarrassment filled the brain after the biker worried. During the time in the US, I was driving down a country road and fell asleep. I plunged into the fields of farmers at a considerable speed. Fortunately, my seat belt and airbag helped me, but the car wrecked. It was a considerable expense. Those about two times that I was about to lose my life. Fortunately, I have lived for 66 years and am doing well. My parents have already passed away, but I would like to continue thinking about my parents and spending my time with my lovely family. Let’s relax while listening to Takuro Yoshida’s album today.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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