台北の北に位置する北投地区に来ています。台北松山空港からタクシーで 350 元、約 1,400 円のところです。今週、あいにくの天気で青空はのぞめそうにありません。強い雨の中でも多くのバイクが走っています。街並みを見ると中国を連想しますが、料理店などに入ってみると少し違うような気がします。ローカルな店に入って夕食を楽しんでいますが、小綺麗で人当たりも良く、安心感があります。連日、点心と麺の食事です。
I am here in Taiwan Beito area for the business this week. It is my first trip to this country. I took a taxi from the city airport took 350 Yen it is about 1,400 JPY. It is unfortunate but the weather is not good this week so I shall use my umbrella to visit to the office near to the hotel. There are a lot of small bikes are on the road even with the heavy rain condition. It looks like China if I saw the city but seems bit different when I entered to a restaurant. There are nice and clean as well as people are kind. I am enjoying lunch and dinner at the local food shop this time.