一家団欒 / Time with family

運転免許の書き替えを目的に来日した息子夫婦と共に 1 週間を過ごすことができた。シンガポールに住む彼らとは離れた生活ではあるが、私は業務でシンガポールに頻繁に出張しているので、会える機会が多い。一家で時間を過ごせることに感謝しつつ、旅行と料理を楽しむことができた。お嫁さんが訪れたことの無い地にいくこととし、今回は那須と日光、鬼怒川へ足をのばした。那須では思いがけない降雪に出くわし、シンガポールでは見たことがない風景を喜んでいた。何かと相談にのってもらっている息子とも多くの時間を共にできたことは感謝である。また、計画をして旅行を楽しめる日を楽しみにしている。

Son and his wife came over to Japan renewing his Japanese drivers license and spent a week this time with us. It was so nice having time with family. They are living in Singapore and luckily I have often to see them while my business trip to there but really appreciate have time with all of us. We then had trip and enjoyed food. We visited to Nasu, Nikko and Kinugawa where his wife have not been there yet. It was surprising snow in Nasu that she was really enjoyed. I also again thanks to my son spent with me and talked things both in business and in personnel. Let us make another plan and looking forward to have time again with family.

カテゴリー: ひとりごと パーマリンク


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