今夜 12 歳まで未だ半年を残してプリンくんは旅立ちました。これまでたくさんの思い出を一緒に作ることができました。今朝、容体が急変、一度は入院しましたが、獣医との相談で帰宅、私たちが見守るなか、妻に抱かれたまま、静かに息を引き取りました。最後は苦しまなかったことが何よりです。プリンくん、これまで本当にありがとう。
Purin passed away this evening (10:30PM on 17-Mar. 2018). I am very pleased his 11 years and 6 months life with us. He made a lots of memories for us. We brought him to the hospital this morning and discussed with the doctor and decided him to back to home with us. He closed his eye while with us and in wife’s hand. He stopped his breath quietly without any pain that aids us.
The doctor spent time for Purin and he has been making good suggestions for us as well as a lot of progresses to us. We really appreciated his effort and records he gave ti us. The memo describes the story how Purin struggled at the last phase. Again, we really appreciate to Purin for those great memories.