初詣 / Visit to the temple


標高 599m 高尾山の中腹にある薬王院はお寺に部類されます。妻と私は往復歩くこととしました。天気が良く風も少なかったので登りでは汗をかきました。いつものようにお参りをして、いつものように買い物、そして麓の蕎麦屋で一杯。今年も来られたことに感謝します。

Wife and I visited to the temple annuary praying health and safety this year to all.  We met the traditional Japanese event Shishi-Mai on the way.  I was happy seeing this with young people are doing this.  The temple is located at the Mt. Takao that is 566 meters high.  We have decided to go by walk both up and down did not use the cable car.  The weather was nice so we sweated nicely.  Praied, shopped and ate as usual.  I was very happy with these things we could as usual.




カテゴリー: グルメ, ひとりごと, 旅行 パーマリンク


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